Powerful Voices for Kids is a learning community. We're sharing ideas that work for teaching and learning digital and media literacy in PK - 6 education both in and out of school.
We are pioneering a whole new approach to curriculum, instruction and staff development in digital and media literacy education. This program will advance your ability to use innovative instructional practices that build students' competencies in critical thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration.
IDEAS. We curate what works using video documentation of classroom practice, lesson plans and materials for use in the classroom, including film clips, handouts, rubrics and samples of student work. As a Powerful Voices for Kids member, you can share your best work here. Each idea page has a description of how to use the materials, resources, and links. IDEA pages are useful for learning more about the practice of digital and media literacy education.
RESEARCH. We share evidence that describes and analyzes what works in digital and media literacy education in K-6 learning in and out of school. RESEARCH pages are useful for learning more about the theory of digital and media literacy education, and for making connections between theory and practice.
EVENTS. Join our community by participating in an online event or attending a regional event. Invite us to your school or community. We offer a wide range of professional development programs for educators and programs that introduce children to digital and media literacy.
NEWS. Keep up to date about what's happening in digital and media literacy education -- regionally, nationally and globally.
BLOG. Renee Hobbs and David Cooper Moore blog about digital and media literacy education. Here's where you can see how to connect the classroom to te culture to promote intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning. Be a guest blogger on this website and you can share your ideas with the world!